Would This Be Considered Substance Abuse?
Question by Ben Preiss: Would this be considered substance abuse?
I really like caffeine. REALLY like caffeine. I feel really depressed most of the time, and I’ve started having large amounts of caffeine, to make myself feel better. It’s so great, I have the caffeine, and then I just feel so happy and stuff… I usually have around 480 mg a day.
Best answer:
Answer by Bonnie M
Substance abuse is defined as overindulgence in and dependence of a drug or other chemical leading to effects that are detrimental to the individual’s physical and mental health, or the welfare of others.
So, I’m not sure how this would apply to you. However, if you are taking so much caffeine, you need to worry about heart and liver troubles, especially if you are taking caffeine pills (yellow jackets, no doze, etc). If you’re just drinking that much coffee, or energy drinks, it’s enough liquid to prevent a lot of the liver damage that would occur (though not all of it). Also, your body becomes resistant to caffeine quickly, so while this week you’re taking 480mg a day, in a couple of weeks from now that won’t do anything for you, unless it’s all psychosomatic anyway, and the increased use of the caffeine will inevitably lead to serious health problems.
As for using it as a cure for depression? That’s what we like to call self medication, I did it with heroine, you’re doing it with caffeine, and while your substance is generally more benign, it is not healthy. I would suggest you see a therapist, and I am not suggesting anti-depressants, many therapists will try to teach you how to cope with your depression without resorting to drugs. Hope this helped a little.
Answer by samantha d
Lots of people rely on caffeine for a quick legal jolt.
Is there any other change that may suggest an illness or need for medical attention?
If you really like that up feeling you get you can create a larger more long lasting one through exercise a 30 minute or more run, a good bike ride or some fairly active exercise you like can provide a nice endorphin boost which will produce some amount of euphoria and will also help boost overall mood in the long term. Are you eating well? Getting all your nutrients? Sometimes too much of one thing (e.g. simple sugars) and not enough of others (vegetables, fruits, iron, water) can drag your system down.
Also, try eating breakfast as soon as you wake up- with that cup of coffee, it helps.
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