With a Limited Amount of Funding, Which Drug Abuse System Would You Consider the Best?
Question by rhodalumpkin: With a limited amount of funding, which drug abuse system would you consider the best?
Several ways to address drug abuse are treatment, enforcement, interdiction, and prevention. With a limited amount of funding, which of these four ways would you emphasize?
Best answer:
Answer by SPLATT
The cheapest is shooting the drug dealers, without trial.
Have their families pay for the bullet, just as China does.
Add your own answer in the comments!
From Twitter:
As many as two-thirds of the people in treatment for drug abuse reported being abused or neglected as children. – by GWENorg (GWEN)
From Twitter:
Alcohol and Drug Abuse Helpline and Treatment: 800-234-0420 – by MiiAlexis (Canada)
From Twitter:
Alcohol Drug Abuse Treatment http://t.co/xbnvre4n – by EnireDotCom (Enire.com)