Where Is a Good Inpatient Drug Rehab Near Tampa FL?
Question by dimples88: Where is a good inpatient drug rehab near Tampa FL?
I am looking for a 28 day inpatient treatment program near Tampa FL. I would like to know if anyone knows of anywhere to go. And what each place is like.
Best answer:
Answer by J. Scott
Not sure how near Tampa you are looking for, but there is one in South Florida that my mother went to called C.A.R.E. Florida. They were of immeasurable help in getting her off drugs and booze. My mother was using a mix of pain meds she got from being in a bad car accident and alcohol that she thought would help her cope with losing her job because of not being able to work after the accident. It was a downward spiral from there. They were really good at C.A.R.E. Florida about providing a controlled but nurturing environment for her to recover in. Their program provided for a lot of involvement with my family which helped my mother feel supported in her rough time. I truly feel that my family would have one less member if it weren’t for them. They are worth checking out.
I hope this was of help to you, and whomever you know struggling with grips of addiction.
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