What Would You as an Individual Like to See Included in a Drug Abuse Advert Creating Awareness?

Question by Tipsy: What would you as an individual like to see included in a Drug Abuse advert creating awareness?
I am working on a Project Assignment on Drug Abuse for teens between 18 and 22years. i Just want to get feedback and hear your views and thoughts?

Best answer:

Answer by Spaced
someone dead with a needle stuck in their arm

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The Media’s Affect on Teen Addiction and Substance Abuse – teenaddictionandsubstanceabuseinfo.com When I was a teenager “good kids” had to sneak around to drink and most of them thought drugs were something that only the bad guys in the movies did. But the media exposes today’s teenagers to substance abuse everywhere they turn. In films drinking and drug abuse are often glamorized by attractive movies stars. When young people see their role models playing addicts but remaining healthy, popular the beautiful, they can lose sight of the dangers of substance abuse. Many young people have money at their disposal, making it easy to get liquor or drugs. As a result teen addiction and substance abuse has actually become a rite of passage for some wealthy teens. The media isn’t solely responsible, but if parents can help their teens see the real-world consequences of substance abuse, there’s a fair chance that the good kids will stay that way.


Parents Not Alone Dealing with

Filed under: drug abuse help for teens

In addition to the impacts of drugs, alcohol and risk factors on the brain, parents also learn a great deal about teen brain development – information that helps explain why teens and young people do some of the inexplicable things they do. Their next …
Read more on Patch.com


From Twitter:

RT @CaronTreatment: Teen #RxAbuse: Caron alum Tim Rader & his parents share 8 tips for parents to help protect teens. http://t.co/fq … – by burkepernilla (pernilla burke)

From Twitter:

Teen #RxAbuse: Caron alum Tim Rader & his parents share 8 tips for parents to help protect teens. http://t.co/fq2aQn2Z @phillydotcom – by CaronTreatment (Caron Treatment)