What Is the Risk of Addiction for Prescription Pills When Taken Properly?

Question by xxheavymetal: What is the risk of addiction for prescription pills when taken properly?
i need this info for a paper i’m writing. i’m only wondering about the risk of addiction/dependence of prescription drugs (opiates, amphetamines, barbiturates, etc.) when used as prescribed by a doctor. when i googled it, everything i got dealt with prescription drug ABUSE, which is NOT what i’m looking for.

also, if you could, i’d appreciate it if you’d cite the source you got it from, otherwise i can’t use it in my paper. thank you!!

Best answer:

Answer by F1ndin/my/self
It will be difficult for you to find any set period of time since it really depends on the drugs taken dosage and time interval between doses Your best bet would Be to check The DSM VI it is a Psychology book since it addresses in detail chemical dependency. Also it may help for you to Check into the WHO expert comitee on drug addiction.
Hope this helps

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Dr. Phil Interviews the Interventionist on Prescription Drug Abuse – Joani Gammill, author of the Hazelden published book, The Interventionist, appeared on the nationally syndicated CBS show “Dr. Phil.” The episode features Gammill’s work with a woman who is addicted to prescription medications. Gammill a registered nurse who first met Dr. Phil when she revealed her own addiction to prescription painkillers, including her near-fatal morphine overdose. Through a life-changing intervention staged by Dr. Phil on his show, Gammill not only committed to getting help for her addiction but she went on to become a professional interventionist helping countless others. For more information about Hazelden, please visit www.hazelden.org or call 800-257-7810.


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