What Is the Analysis on Alcohol Addiction?

Question by carol h: What is the analysis on alcohol addiction?
I need some websites, on medical info., concerning this question. I used Wikipedia, as a ref., for my class. But, my instructor, said, I have to have backing, for my answer. I am do an analysis, on alcohol addiction. I am using the section, on diverse explanations, the model method, to explain my answer to this question. Without backing, from another website, to back up my statements, I can’t get credit, for this question.

Please help me, I would appreciate it.

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Answer by Kim H

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Alcohol Addiction Treatment Center – 30 – 40 Beers per day video – Steve was known by first name at all the liquor stores he finally makes the decision to get help because his family would not stay in his life. He was embarassed, he was like an epileptic he was scared to stop.


Ex-Addict goes all in, and wins

Filed under: alcohol addiction help

As is the case with most alcoholics or addicts, it wasn't always dark and miserable. Merson made straight A's in high school. After graduating in 2007, Merson said that he lost his way. Struggling to find money to support his drug addiction, Merson …
Read more on Examiner.com


Medical Experts Debate Value of Alcohol Use

Filed under: alcohol addiction help

They say this could explain how problem drinking becomes a problem in the first place. And, they say discovering the exact areas of the brain where endorphins are released could lead to the development of more effective drugs to help treat alcohol …
Read more on Voice of America


HealthWatch: The cost of rehab

Filed under: alcohol addiction help

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration says 23.5 million people aged 12 or older needed treatment for an illicit drug or alcohol abuse problem in 2009. Through the help of a Christian-based program, 35 year old Terricka Tapley of …
Read more on WRBL


From Twitter:

Mentioned I’m a therapist. The woman asked if I could do hand therapy. I said no, but I can help treat alcohol addiction. She wasn’t amused. – by MrDanielBrowne (Daniel Browne)

From Twitter:

Meth Vaccine Can Help Fight Addiction http://t.co/k0ojALch #addiction #drugs #alcoholby TheStapleford (The Stapleford)

From Twitter:

Meth Vaccine Can Help Fight Addiction http://t.co/WZKk6Okc #alcohol #addictionby mnt_alcoholadd (MNT Alcohol / Addict)