What Is a National Treatment Center That Specializes in Drug and Alcohol Rehab Interventions and Rehab?
Question by positionclicks: What is a National Treatment Center that specializes in drug and alcohol rehab interventions and rehab?
I found the website http://www.nationaltreatmentcenters.org , however it is a referral site not an actual interventionist. Any clue of a good interventionist/ Rehab Center?
Best answer:
Answer by kramert72
If you go to the page http://www.nationaltreatmentcenters.org/intervention/index.htm , I would just call them or just search on google for and interventionist or rehab center in your area (ie. if you live in California seach California Rehab Center or California Interventionist.) That way you don’t get stuck with a bunch of results from other states. Hope it helps!
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Who’s Fighting Marijuana Legalization In Colorado? – “Marijuana legalization would harm kids, says Smart Colorado, a group advertising stock images of children along with messages asking for voters to reject Amendment 64, a ballot initiative this year to legalize and tax pot. Smart Colorado, led former Republican senate candidate Ken Buck and a team of Republican lobbyists and campaign operatives, hopes to drive down the popularity of Amendment 64 before Election Day. The supposedly family-friendly group, however, relies heavily on funds from a pair of controversial Republican fundraisers who once led a drug rehab center shut down over wide-ranging child abuse scandals. Save Our Society from Drugs, a Florida-based nonprofit founded by Mel and Betty Sembler, has given Smart Colorado contributions totaling 1497 through September, according to The Nation’s review of state finance disclosures. That’s 95 percent of the money raised by the group so far…”.* The Young Turks host Cenk Uygur breaks it down. *Read more here from Lee Fang in The Nation: www.thenation.com Support The Young Turks by Subscribing bit.ly Like Us on Facebook: www.fb.com Follow Us on Twitter: bit.ly Buy TYT Merch: theyoungturks.spreadshirt.com Find out how to watch The Young Turks on Current by clicking here: www.current.com
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From Twitter:
Drug and Alcohol Rehab Colorado Treatment Centers | http://t.co/mOYL1Lnw – by dexter27a (dexter27a)