What Are Some Related Questions to This Main Question?

Question by …….: What are some related questions to this main question?
What causes drug addiction?
any related questions?

PS: I know it’s not at the right category but the hw help section there barely is anyone

Best answer:

Answer by Gemma L
What causes the drug user to start drugs?
Where do they get the drugs?
Does peer pressure have anything to do with drug addiction?
How long does it take for a person to become addicted to drugs eventually?

Good luck xoxo.
God bless xoxo.

What do you think? Answer below!



Why Do People Take Drugs? – People take drugs to relieve themselves from unwanted conditions. Bobby Wiggins, Drug Prevention Specialist, covers the basic reasons why people do drugs. This is the third of a series of 10 Narconon drug education videos based on the booklet “10 Things Your Friends May Not Know About Drugs.” No One Knows What Causes People to Take Drugs. True or False? False. Pain, boredom and stress are some of the reasons why people take up drugs.


Researchers induce, relieve depression symptoms in mice with light

Filed under: causes of drug addiction

The research was funded by the Helen Hay Whitney Foundation, a National Research Service Award fellowship, the Wiegers Family Fund, the National Institute of Mental Health, the National Institute on Drug Abuse, the DARPA REPAIR Program, the Keck …
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Ask a Doctor: Dealing with fatigue and the flu

Filed under: causes of drug addiction

There are many causes of fatigue. Common causes include depression, anxiety, drug addiction and medications used to treat these conditions, as well as those that treat high blood pressure. Infections, cancer, anemia, fibromyalgia, thyroid disease …
Read more on Carlisle Sentinel


The War on Drugs is a war on human nature

Filed under: causes of drug addiction

What other cause do you think that I have for drinking so much strong drink, talking so freely, and making merry so often, except that I wish to mock and harass the devil who is wont to mock and harass me.” Dr. Samuel …. If what was at issue was a …
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