Was Romney’s Response to the Indefinite Detention in the NDAA Bill, “Trust Us”?
Question by Hob: Was Romney’s response to the Indefinite detention in the NDAA bill, “Trust us”?
Paraphrasing, Romney said in the debate last night that he also would have signed the NDAA bill and admitted that the president could “abuse” the power if he wanted but you just have to trust him.
Best answer:
Answer by BekindtoAnimals22
Yes he did. And no I don’t trust him anymore than I do Obama. We shouldn’t have to trust them. We should have had our rights protected by our stupid representatives. What is going on in their heads. Is somebody threatening their lives? It makes you wonder what’s in the water.
Answer by Jeff
Romney is a traitor and anyone who supports him is a traitor as well in my opinion.. According to the DHS website, people who own weapons, gold, a weeks supply of food, are returning veterans, are christians who believe if end time events, are against abortion and immigration, are patriots who support 3rd party candidates,etc are considered to be domestic terrorists!! Check the website out if you do not believe me and tell every single person you know about this!!!!
Anyone who speaks out against the status quo may be considered to be a terrorist and if you care about your liberties you will vote for Ron Paul who is the only candidate against SOPA, the Patriot act, the NDAA bill, FEMA death camps, the expatriation act, and the neverending wars which have been designed to line the pockets of the war profiteers!!
Anybody who stands against Ron Paul stands against freedom and embraces tyranny!! Ron Paul 2012!!!
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