To Those Convicted of Drug Abuse: Did Treatment Help?

Question by lyssalove: To those convicted of drug abuse: did treatment help?
I’m doing a research project for a college class about treatment vs. Punishment (jail time) and have read many statistics but would like to know directly from people who have been convicted of drug abuse: did you undergo treatment or just go to jail? Did either benefit you, and how? In your opinion, does treatment / punishment work better?

Best answer:

Answer by Jimmy Rustles
I was convicted of abusing methamphetamine a while ago. I was simply sent to jail and put in a cold cell with a chubby gentleman convicted of selling lye to children as cocaine. He would rape me repeatedly in the locker rooms while the other addicts watched. I think I really benefited from the experience because my anus has been permanently stretched far enough to suck in meth, which provides a more interesting effect.

Basically, I learned a really interesting new way to do meth from jail. I’d say it’s beneficial.

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Minister Updates: Substance Abuse Treatment

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Earlier this afternoon, the Attorney General and Minister of Justice Kim Wilson provided an update of the substance abuse treatment services and facilities which fall under the Ministry. …. I'd just like to share a few statistics regarding women's …
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Drug abuse rises among women

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According to statistics issued by the National Committee for Drugs and Psychotropic Substances, around 35 cases of drug abuse by women were registered in 2011 as compared to only 25 in the year 2010. Seven drug abuse cases among women were registered …
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