Tips on Fighting a Prescription Drug Addiction?
Question by warpedhybrid: Tips on fighting a prescription drug addiction?
I want to help someone get over their addiction to sleeping pills, codeine and valium. They will not seek professional help, advice for how to do this without medical/psycholgical treament?
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The Effects of Prescription Drug Addiction Abuse – Taken from an emotional letter from a daughter to her mother in 2007, this video portrays how her mother’s prescription pill addiction affected their relationship as she became an adult. Through proper treatment and help she can end the abuse and get her life back.
Alabama gov's panel examines prescription drug abuse
Filed under: prescription drug addiction help
Alabama's physician governor told a national conference that medical professionals who help patients abuse prescription drugs should lose their licenses. Gov. Robert Bentley is co-chairman of a new program of the National Governors Association that is …
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Authorities to lay out dangers of prescription drug abuse
Filed under: prescription drug addiction help
The public is being encouraged to attend a community forum and panel discussion about the dangers of prescription drug abuse, which will be 6-9 p.m. Thursday at the New Smyrna Beach High School Auditorium, 1015 10th St. "It's to educate the public …
Read more on Daytona Beach News-Journal
Staten Island mural proclaims danger of prescription drug abuse
Filed under: prescription drug addiction help
STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. -The message from nine local artists is loud and clear on the powerful mural now completed on the large brick wall at 821 Castleton Ave. in West Brighton: PILLZ KILLZ. Translation: Abuse of prescription drugs has claimed far too …
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Prescription Drug Addiction FOR HELP – by AddictionAust (Addiction Australia)
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: The GATS Program: Prescription Drug Addiction Treatment Australia FOR HELP – by AddictionAust (Addiction Australia)
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The GATS Program: Prescription Drug Addiction Treatment Australia FOR HELP – by AddictionAust (Addiction Australia)