The Extension: Combating Chemical Dependence, Homelessness in Cobb
The Extension: Combating Chemical Dependence, Homelessness in Cobb
The National Survey on Drug Use and Health estimated more than 200,000 state residents in 2006 needed drug rehab in Georgia but didn't get it. These numbers are probably larger since these are only those that were found during the count. 2. How did the … Read more on
Lindsay Lohan vows her troubled past is behind her
Lohan, 27, completed her latest court-ordered stay in rehab in July. She must continue therapy into late next year. She acknowledged an addiction to alcohol, which "in the past was a gateway to other things for me," but she offered no specifics other … Read more on WGCL Atlanta
Georgia now tracking drugs to address abuse
Eventually, she was referred to the Augusta Pain Center and found an alternative treatment in a spinal cord stimulator whose constant pulses block the pain signals and offer her drugless relief. “That is one thing I never liked to do, is take pills … Read more on Baxley News-Banner