The Ever-Present Problem of Teen Drug Use – Social Work Helper
 Social Work Helper |
The Ever-Present Problem of Teen Drug UseSocial Work HelperAlthough their drug rehab stints receive far more attention, drug addiction is not limited to former child stars. Teen drug abuse is a widespread problem that has become woven into the fibers of our society. Unfortunately, it does not seem to be going …
drug abuse – Google News
State of the State address targets Vt. drug problem – Barre Montpelier Times Argus
State of the State address targets Vt. drug problemBarre Montpelier Times ArgusBut Wednesday was devoted to drug abuse, and Shumlin called on the state to abandon the law-and-order tactics used by Vermont and other states in the past and instead begin treating addiction as an illness that needs prevention and treatment. “We must …
drug abuse – Google News
Kasich launches youth drug abuse prevention program – WVXU
Kasich launches youth drug abuse prevention programWVXUKasich, with Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine and members of his cabinet at his side, said Start Talking will involve parents, teachers coaches and the students themselves in helping end the drug abuse he said is in every town, in every corner of the …
drug abuse – Google News