Teen Prescription Drug Abuse on the Rise

Teen Prescription Drug Abuse On the Rise


Perception of Marijuana as a "Safe Drug" Is Scientifically Inaccurate
In adolescent rat models, scientists have been able to observe differences in the chemical pathways that govern addiction and vulnerability – a receptor in the brain known as the dopamine D2 receptor is well known to be less present in cases of … Read more on Newswise (press release)

Poem by May Landing teen wins national AMVETS anti-drug, alcohol abuse
Taylor Troehler, 17, of Mays Landing, who recently won the AMVETS national essay contest, is pictured at the Atlantic County Library in May Landing with a copy of 'Stars In Our Hearts Treasures,' a collection of poetry includes one of her poems. Read more on Press of Atlantic City

CASA Receives 5000 Grant Targeting Teen Drug Prevention
CASA from Winthrop, MA was one of the grant recipients and will receive $ 625,000 in DFC grant funds to involve and engage their local community to prevent substance use among youth. The DFC Program provides grants of up to $ 625,000 over 5 years to … Read more on Winthrop Transcript