substance abuse

Alcohol Treatment Centers of Jacksonville (904) 239-3457 – Alcohol Detox

Alcohol Treatment Centers of Jacksonville (904) 239-3457 – Alcohol Detox — (904) 239-3457 Drug Treatment Centers of Jacksonville are caring alcohol and drug treatment centers located i…

Jacksonville's Gateway Community Services to celebrate 35th birthday
An estimated 50,000 men, women and teens have been treated for substance abuse at… Continue reading

Lily Allen – Lily Allen Credits Husband With Saving Her From Alcohol and Drug Abuse

Lily Allen – Lily Allen Credits Husband With Saving Her From Alcohol And Drug Abuse
British singer Lily Allen has lavished praise on her husband for forcing her to stop her self-destructive behaviour by giving her an ultimatum. The Smile star began dating Sam Cooper in 2009, but when he… Continue reading

Mental health/Behavioral Center. Group Ideas?

Question by burnettebreeze98: Mental health/Behavioral Center. Group ideas?
I am trying to find some ideas for “group.” I work at a Residential Behavioral Center for youth. I was hired as a member of the Behavioral Support Staff in the on campus school. My students range in ages from 9-15. They… Continue reading

State Finances, Drug Abuse, and Consolidation Dominate Town Board Meeting

State Finances, Drug Abuse, and Consolidation Dominate Town Board Meeting
Before plowing through an agenda already laden with weighty topics Philipstown’s Town Board spent much of its formal monthly meeting last Thursday (April 3) in listening mode, presiding over presentations from St. Christopher’s Inn on a drug-abuse and …
drug… Continue reading

49ers Smith Arrested at Los Angeles Airport

49ers Smith arrested at Los Angeles airport
A fearsome pass-rushing specialist, Smith took a five-game leave of absence from the 49ers last season to undergo treatment for substance abuse. He rejoined the team Nov. 5. Smith played in a 27-7 home loss to the Indianapolis Colts on Sept. 22, two… Continue reading

State Finances, Drug Abuse, and Consolidation Dominate Town Board Meeting

State Finances, Drug Abuse, and Consolidation Dominate Town Board Meeting
Before plowing through an agenda already laden with weighty topics Philipstown’s Town Board spent much of its formal monthly meeting last Thursday (April 3) in listening mode, presiding over presentations from St. Christopher’s Inn on a drug-abuse and …
drug… Continue reading