Community Coalition Confronts Prescription Drug Abuse
Community coalition confronts prescription drug abuse
Prescription drug abuse accounts for about 45 percent of all overdose deaths, which is more than heroin, cocaine and other illegal drugs combined, according to the Foundation for a Drug-Free World. Those at the Ela Coalition Against Youth Substance Abuse …
drug abuse –… Continue reading
Addressing Teen Drug Use
Addressing teen drug use
“We need to know the warning signs and what the response should be when we see those warning signs,” he said. “We shouldn't ignore the problem or act as though alcohol use is a 'right of passage' or experimenting with marijuana is normal part of …… Continue reading
Does Anybody Know Where I Can Find a Treatment Center Here in Seattle, Washington?
Question by derek: Does anybody know where I can find a treatment center here in Seattle, Washington?
I’m from Seattle, Washington and I’m just wondering if anybody knows where I can find a treatment center for marijuana. See, my friend Bobby was addicted to marijuana before but he went to… Continue reading
The Male Inmate Perspective on Substance Abuse Treatment in Jail
The Male Inmate Perspective on Substance Abuse Treatment in Jail — As a senior research project at the University of Wisconsin-Stout; advised by Dr. Susan Wolfgram, my partner and I examined The Male Inmate Perspective on Su…
California prisons find 1 in 4 inmates used drugs
More stringent penalties for… Continue reading
Drug Abuse and Child Protection
Drug abuse and child protection
Few would argue against legislation that provides further protections for children from drug-addled parents, but some marijuana advocates are fearful of two bills they believe could bring extra police scrutiny on legal pot use. They need not worry.
drug abuse – Bing News
Healthy Sheboygan… Continue reading
I Need a Good Online Drug Addiction Support Group, Can Someone Please Help Me Out?
Question by homeskillet: i need a good online drug addiction support group, can someone please help me out?
im still very young to be lookin this up but i have to quit what im doing for my senior year next year and i need an online support group because i… Continue reading