rehabilitation center

When the Hospital Must Be the Classroom

When the hospital must be the classroom
In 10 hospitals as well as one drug treatment center, a full-time staff of teachers spend their day bringing the classroom to CPS students too ill to attend a traditional school for medical or mental health reasons. During the 2012-13 school year, a… Continue reading

Inpatient Drug Rehab Part 1

Inpatient Drug Rehab Part 1 To watch all four parts of this Inpatient Drug Rehab video, click the link above in this description.


The Wisconsin Case That's Challenging "Fetal Protection"
"I didn't know unborn children had lawyers," recalled Ms. Beltran, now six months pregnant, after returning to her… Continue reading

California Treatment Centers

California Treatment Centers -We first assess your problem/situation, set goals and suggest ways to achieve the goals. This could mean anything fro…


Wilfried Martens Dead: Former Belgian Premier Dies At 77
He also helped found the European People's Party and led the EU's Christian Democrat Christian group for… Continue reading

Veterans Ask Lawmakers to Improve Lexington VA's Care for Sexual Trauma

Veterans ask lawmakers to improve Lexington VA's care for sexual trauma
The group's short-term goal is to turn a vacant house on the VA's Leestown Road campus into a center that could be a transitional residence for women after they leave inpatient psychiatric treatment at the hospital and before they… Continue reading

Therapy for Spinal-Cord Injuries Helping Coloradans Regain Mobility

Therapy for spinal-cord injuries helping Coloradans regain mobility
Months into in a new program at Craig Hospital in Englewood, Nall's body is responding. He has shuffled 310 feet in a gym … The goal of researchers at Craig and a handful of internationally-renowned spinal rehabilitation centers is to prove that… Continue reading

Drug Treatment Centers in New York | Addiction Treatment Services

Drug Treatment Centers in New York | Addiction Treatment Services Drug Treatment Centers in New York New York Center for Addiction Treatment Services, Drug rehabilitation Centers in New Yo…


Featured Story A Tale of Two Drugs Barry Werth
The center had participated in human trials of the drug.… Continue reading