prescription drug abuse

Letters: Drug Abuse Starts With the Individual

Letters: Drug abuse starts with the individual
The Times offers a very simplistic analysis of America’s drug dependence. As an emergency room physician, I see many chronic-pain patients who “run out” of their allotted opiates and then run to an emergency room. I am sometimes threatened with …
drug abuse… Continue reading

Letters: Drug Abuse Starts With the Individual

Letters: Drug abuse starts with the individual
The Times offers a very simplistic analysis of America’s drug dependence. As an emergency room physician, I see many chronic-pain patients who “run out” of their allotted opiates and then run to an emergency room. I am sometimes threatened with …
drug abuse… Continue reading

Letters: Drug Abuse Starts With the Individual

Letters: Drug abuse starts with the individual
The Times offers a very simplistic analysis of America’s drug dependence. As an emergency room physician, I see many chronic-pain patients who “run out” of their allotted opiates and then run to an emergency room. I am sometimes threatened with …
drug abuse… Continue reading

Letters: Drug Abuse Starts With the Individual

Letters: Drug abuse starts with the individual
The Times offers a very simplistic analysis of America’s drug dependence. As an emergency room physician, I see many chronic-pain patients who “run out” of their allotted opiates and then run to an emergency room. I am sometimes threatened with …
drug abuse… Continue reading

Growing Prescription Drug Abuse in India Says UN Report

Growing prescription drug abuse in India says UN report
Prescription drug abuse is growing in India and is a serious problem in South Asia, according to a UN report which said drugs enter the region’s illicit markets through various channels, being diverted from India’s pharma industry and smuggled from …… Continue reading

Growing Prescription Drug Abuse in India Says UN Report

Growing prescription drug abuse in India says UN report
Prescription drug abuse is growing in India and is a serious problem in South Asia, according to a UN report which said drugs enter the region’s illicit markets through various channels, being diverted from India’s pharma industry and smuggled from …… Continue reading