pleasure center

Why Don’t People With Crack or Meth Addictions Just Stop Using It?

Question by : why don’t people with crack or meth addictions just stop using it?

Best answer:

Answer by raye
They are both mind altering substances, so it is very hard to quit. The only way to not be addicted to them is to never start using them.

Answer by… Continue reading

Brain Cancer Questions..?

Question by ellie: brain cancer questions..?
if anyone could answer these questions that be really great:
1) how does brain cancer attack the body?
2) What type of cell it attacks?
3) How it affects on the cells?
4) Can it spread?
5)why or why now does it spread?
6)… Continue reading

Drug Treatment Anaheim CA (855) YES-REHAB

Drug Treatment Anaheim CA (855) YES-REHAB
If you are the person who often rationalize your drinking habits, hide them and refuse to discuss the matter, take a moment to recognize why you feel so defe…


Oreos addictive? Rats treat Oreos like cocaine, study suggests.
Most drugs are thought to… Continue reading

Could Oreos Be as Addictive as Cocaine?

Could Oreos Be as Addictive as Cocaine?
Further examination of the rats' brains found that they had higher cellular activity in the "pleasure center" of their brain after eating an Oreo versus being injected with one of the drugs. "That's the novel finding that applies to us," said Schroder …… Continue reading

Online Casino Payment Options

Online Casino Payment Options
I have played at my experiences can help properties on this casino list and those that really stand out stay on Online Casino Payment Options hard drive comprises "Top 10" casino service levels do vary and to make it easy to see who are safe and… Continue reading

Are There Any Free Programs in the US for Drug Addiction?

Question by ol’ hippy girl: Are there any free programs in the US for drug addiction?
We are looking for a good program for our daughter- Oxycontin addiction. She has been in and out of rehab…to suboxene treatment centers. She has done all but completely break us financially.
We… Continue reading