Erytech Pharma
Erytech Pharma
This encapsulation protects the molecule from the body's natural defences, and limits sudden exposure post conventional drug administration, which can have side effects. In addition, the encapsulated molecule's half-life can be extended. These effects … Read more on
How Colleges Are Preparing Students for a Country Where… Continue reading
Overdose Deaths From Prescription Drug Abuse Skyrocketing in Southwestern Pennsylvania
Overdose deaths from prescription drug abuse skyrocketing in southwestern Pennsylvania
Prescription drug abuse is an epidemic in Pennsylvania, and legislators and law enforcement officials are scrambling to address the rapidly growing problem. “I think we’re in a culture in which everything gets fixed — there is no level of …… Continue reading
New Substance Abuse Treatment Resources Focus on Teens
New substance abuse treatment resources focus on teens
( NIH/National Institute on Drug Abuse ) Resources to help parents, health care providers, and substance abuse treatment specialists treat teens struggling with drug abuse, as well as identify and interact with those who might be at risk, were released today by… Continue reading
Is Alcoholics Anonymous More Effective Than Cognitve Behavioral Therapy?
Question by abnjim5: Is Alcoholics Anonymous more effective than Cognitve Behavioral Therapy?
Much debate exists about which model is more effective in treating the problem of drug addiction. Some say AA is the only treatment that “works” while others choose the more human friendly non-religious CBT. AA uses rigid spiritual… Continue reading
Can a Former Drug Addict Do Anything to Reproduce Brain Cells?
Question by sunkissed299: Can a former drug addict do anything to reproduce brain cells?
I work in a homeless shelter and someone just asked. I would say no. Thats why they tell you not to do
Best answer:
Answer by Lara Love
The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)… Continue reading
Champagne Perks of NHS Drug Watchdog
Champagne perks of NHS drug watchdog
Officials at National Institute for health and Care Excellence (Nice) which has come under fire in the past for restricting life-saving drugs and treatments on the grounds of cost, ran up the £115,000 bill on taxpayer-funded credit cards over the past … Read more… Continue reading