Safety Valve: Letters From Readers
Safety Valve: Letters from readers
The National Institute of Drug Abuse (NIDA) website summarizes marijuana's effect on life: “Research clearly demonstrates that marijuana has the potential to cause problems in daily life. … Marijuana users generally report lower life satisfaction … Read more on The Wenatchee World Online
D.C. drug… Continue reading
Pr. William Restores Jail Substance Abuse Treatment Program
Pr. William restores jail substance abuse treatment program
Filed under: drug addiction treatment statistics
Prince William County supervisors restored the regional jail's substance abuse treatment program Tuesday after weeks of lobbying from top law enforcement officials, judges and social service advocates. Supervisors had cut the drug DORM (Drug Offender …… Continue reading
I Want a Tattoo That Symbolizes My Battle With Addiction & Drug Use and How Am Now Free and Above the Influenc?
Question by SmileyB: I want a tattoo that symbolizes my battle with addiction & drug use and how am now free and above the influenc?
I would like to get a tattoo (me and my husband) that symbolizes are struggle with addiction & drug abuse.We are now free from… Continue reading
I Couldnt Fit the Queston Here So I Put in the Details?
Question by BirdBalla: I couldnt fit the queston here so I put in the Details?
Alan I. Leshner, Director of the National Institute of Drug Abuse, defines drug addiction as “uncontrollable, compulsive drug seeking and use, even in the face of negative health and social consequences.”
What does that… Continue reading
Smoking Cessation Drugs Market
Smoking cessation drugs market
Filed under: national institute on drug abuse
EVT 302 (Evotec) and selegiline (US National Institute on Drug Abuse) are MAOB inhibitors. However, EVT 302, an orally active, reversible and highly selective inhibitor, failed to demonstrate any major increase in cessation rates in a Phase II study… Continue reading