What Are the Best Home Remedies for Heroin Detox?
Question by RJP: What are the best home remedies for heroin detox?
Best answer:
Answer by bocoo_man
Straight jacket and Snickers candy bars.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
When Meditation Helps Mental Illness — And When It Hinders
Filed under: drug treatment programs in… Continue reading
For Which of the Following Reasons Is Drug Addiction Considered a Complex Brain Disease?
Question by Devin: For which of the following reasons is drug addiction considered a complex brain disease?
3. For which of the following reasons is drug addiction considered a complex brain disease?
(Points : 1)
Those who are addicted usually have a mental illness.
Use of drugs over time… Continue reading
What Is a Reasonable Compensation Claim for an Pain and Suffering Incurred From a Car Accident?
Question by circusboys: what is a reasonable compensation claim for an pain and suffering incurred from a car accident?
I was hit by a guy running a red light and wasn’t seriously injured but expect to be very sore for a couple of weeks. I am an actor and… Continue reading
What Are the First Steps in Controlling My Food Addiction?
Question by NINTENDO: What are the first steps in controlling my food addiction?
I have food addiction. It started when I was a child . My mother would feed me fatty food as a reward for finishing my studies.
As I grew up , anytime I did something related… Continue reading
What Is an Example of an Operational Definition? in Sociology. for Ex the Operational Definition of Bullying?
Question by Christina: what is an example of an operational definition? in sociology. for ex the operational definition of bullying?
i have to write a reflection paper about my life and include 5 social problems including operational definitions for those… i was thinking using bullying, mental illness, drug abuse,… Continue reading