jerry brown

South Jersey Drug Treatment Providers: For Heroin Addicts, More Inpatient Care

South Jersey drug treatment providers: For heroin addicts, more inpatient care
Chris Christie signed into law a measure deemed a major reform in how alcohol and drug addicts are treated by the courts. … Altogether, more people would be referred to New Jersey drug courts under probation sentences… Continue reading

California Drug Re-Hab Earning Cash Helping Drug Treatment?

Question by Dopeaka420: California Drug Re-Hab Earning cash Helping Drug Treatment?
i am 17 years old ( NO I DO NOT DO ANY HARD DRUGS) but i do *Admit* Marijuana should be
Legalized >>AnyWayz Me & My Best Friend Are Moving too California we are not sure where at yet in California we might move 2 >>Sandiego,California or like Beverly Hills,California soo my friend wants too work as >>>A Doctorate in Aerospace Engineering<<< he said he should be making around 120K A Year n soo i Really wanna fer my Self >>>How Can i Find a Drug Addition Program near “US” when We go… Continue reading

Coalition to Tackle Prescription Drug Abuse

Coalition to tackle prescription drug abuse
Community leaders gathered on the steps of the Historic Courthouse in Hendersonville Tuesday to provide a united front in acknowledging that prescription drug abuse exists and is a serious problem in Henderson County. drug abuse – Yahoo News Search Results

UPDATE: Governor proclaims Red… Continue reading

State Highlights: Calif. Gov. Signs Bills on Prescription Drug Abuse; Texas … –

State highlights: Calif. gov. signs bills on prescription drug abuse; Texas … –

State highlights: Calif. gov. signs bills on prescription drug abuse; Texas
Jerry Brown signed two bills Friday aimed at curbing prescription drug abuse but vetoed a third that could have helped the state's… Continue reading

Substance Abuse: Big-City Problems Hit Small-Town Canada

Substance abuse: Big-city problems hit small-town Canada
AP Canada/AP Canada – Substance abuse in small communities is more prevalent than in Canada’s big cities. When Hazel’s cravings for … “Plenty of those people had times when they wanted to seek treatment or get out of it, but it’s like a… Continue reading

Gov. Brown Signs 2 of 3 Bills Fighting Prescription Drug Abuse

Gov. Brown signs 2 of 3 bills fighting prescription drug abuse
Gov. Jerry Brown signed two bills Friday aimed at curbing prescription drug abuse but vetoed a third that could have helped the state’s medical board identify reckless doctors whose patients died on pills they prescribed. The three bills, which… Continue reading