Ky. Jails Becoming Popular Place for Heroin Treatment
Ky. jails becoming popular place for heroin treatment
Sanders tells FOX19 that the criminal justice system was never meant to be a drug treatment center, but right now, there aren't any other alternatives in most cases. To put the problem in perspective, Sanders says he had about 25 cases on… Continue reading
Flibanserin About to Help Women Out of Sexual Rut
Flibanserin About to Help Women out of Sexual Rut
In the rejection letter, the FDA expressed concerns with regards to the drug's lackluster effectiveness and its side effects of dizziness, fatigue and nausea. The Sprout Pharmaceutical couple from Raleigh, North Carolina; however, believes in the drug … Read more on… Continue reading
New Exhibit Explores Science Behind Drug Use – WBAL Baltimore
New exhibit explores science behind drug use – WBAL Baltimore
New exhibit explores science behind drug use WBAL Baltimore "You hear about drugs and you hear about the effects of drugs on the human body, but nobody talks about the science, so this exhibit talks about the science; what happens… Continue reading |
Drug Abuse and Our Biased Compassion – Huffington Post
Drug Abuse and Our Biased Compassion – Huffington Post
Drug Abuse and Our Biased Compassion Huffington Post Recently the world has been privy to the intimate details of the drug use of two white male celebrities. On one hand there is Justin Bieber; during a recent arrest for DUI, Bieber… Continue reading |
Florida Sheriff: 'Trey Radel Does Not Even Qualify to Drive a Lee County …
Florida Sheriff: 'Trey Radel Does Not Even Qualify To Drive A Lee County …
"While Radel returned to his Congressional office following a microwave stint in rehab and a gaggle of rehearsed apologies, I have hundreds of inmates in our jail that are unable to return to their home due… Continue reading
What Drug Relapse Has to Do With Accidental Overdose Risk
What Drug Relapse Has To Do With Accidental Overdose Risk
As Dr. James C. Garbutt, Professor of Psychiatry and an addiction specialist at the University of North Carolina, explains, “Sadly, in many states, opiate overdose has exceeded driving as the leading cause of death amongst youth. The major concern with …… Continue reading