South Jersey Drug Treatment Providers: For Heroin Addicts, More Inpatient Care …
South Jersey drug treatment providers: For heroin addicts, more inpatient care …
Chris Christie signed into law a measure deemed a major reform in how alcohol and drug addicts are treated by the courts. … Altogether, more people would be referred to New Jersey drug courts under probation sentences… Continue reading
Does the Drug D.C.A. Being Tested at the University of Alberta Have Promise for Cancer Treatment?
Question by Kevin7: does the drug D.C.A. being tested at the University of Alberta have promise for cancer treatment?
Best answer:
Answer by Tarkarri
It showed a lot of promise in mice.
They have run into some unexpected neurological problems in human trials.
We will have to wait and… Continue reading
Question by meeeee09: DRUG ABUSE IN THE FAMILY. HELP!?
My husbands mother was once addicted to several types of drugs…sleep aids and muscle relaxers. and some others, not sure all. she was a different person then the person we know and love.
We tried and tried to help her. she… Continue reading
Two Similar Phils, Though One's Story Ends Prematurely
Two similar Phils, though one's story ends prematurely
Around this time, he fell in with a fast-paced social group in New York City, which soon led to a private breakdown, coupled with alcohol and drug addiction. "It was anything I could get my hands on," he told the … Phil… Continue reading
Why Seniors Can't Sleep Like They're Still in College
Why seniors can't sleep like they're still in college
Another drug, tunicamycin, induces protein misfolding and stress, and when the team fed it to young flies, their sleep patterns shifted towards those of aged flies, with less sleep overall, more interrupted sleep at night, and longer recovery from … Read… Continue reading
Letter, 2/21: Responsibility of State
Letter, 2/21: Responsibility of state
Why are we ignoring the responsibility of the state to give mental health care to a man who had been in and out of their control for 20 years, since the age of 7, and who unwaveringly asked for help before he killed someone? How… Continue reading