James Avery Dead: 'Fresh Prince of Bel-Air' Actor Dies at 68
James Avery Dead: 'Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air' Actor Dies At 68
A classically trained actor and poet, Avery grew up in Atlantic City, N.J., where he was raised by a single mother. He served in the Navy during the Vietnam War and first appeared onscreen as a dancer in an… Continue reading
HUFFPOST HILL – Obama Gives Prisoners Greatest Gift of All: Lives as Ex-Cons …
HUFFPOST HILL – Obama Gives Prisoners Greatest Gift Of All: Lives As Ex-Cons …
JACK LEW'S DEBT CEILING FORECAST – Luke Johnson: "Treasury Secretary Jack Lew warned House Speaker John Boehner Thursday that the federal government will reach its debt limit sometime in late February or early March 2014. Congress… Continue reading
Is Alcoholics Anonymous More Effective Than Cognitve Behavioral Therapy?
Question by abnjim5: Is Alcoholics Anonymous more effective than Cognitve Behavioral Therapy?
Much debate exists about which model is more effective in treating the problem of drug addiction. Some say AA is the only treatment that “works” while others choose the more human friendly non-religious CBT. AA uses rigid spiritual… Continue reading
Murray Says She's Staying at Senate Helm Through 2014
Murray says she's staying at Senate helm through 2014
STATE HOUSE, BOSTON – Senate President Therese Murray told Democratic senators during a private caucus meeting on Thursday that she intends to finish her term and remain in the Senate at least through the end of 2014, according to multiple Senate… Continue reading
Get Educated on Drug Overdose Prevention
Get educated on drug overdose prevention
By 2017, drug overdose is expected to surpass motor vehicle accidents as the leading cause of death in North Carolina. This country is facing a growing epidemic of nonmedical prescription drug use, and yet there has been a dearth of overdose prevention … Read more… Continue reading
Rob Ford Honourary US Citizen Petition Not Getting Much Support
Rob Ford Honourary US Citizen Petition Not Getting Much Support
WASHINGTON – A petition to make Rob Ford an honorary U.S. citizen hasn't garnered much support so far. … Mayor Ford said Toronto's City Council had no business stripping him of most of his powers over his admitted crack cocaine… Continue reading