drug test

Light Rail, Drug Testing, Bieber Fever

Light rail, drug testing, Bieber fever
After returning from a monthlong trip to South Carolina and the gulf side of Florida, we came home via Memphis, Tenn. I am not sure how much the downtown rail system of … I am so tired of these inmates getting their death sentence… Continue reading

Full Text of State of the Union Speech 2014

Full Text Of State Of The Union Speech 2014
A rural doctor gave a young child the first prescription to treat asthma that his mother could afford. …. That's why Congress should undo the damage done by last year's cuts to basic research so we can unleash the next great… Continue reading

Would “addiction” Be a Covered Disability With ADA Laws?

Question by Middleman: Would “addiction” be a covered disability with ADA laws?

I should be more clear. I am specifically wondering about not hiring someone who fails a drug screen.
Or about how much I need to accomodate someone who is dealing with treatment for an addiction.

Best answer:

Answer… Continue reading

Is There a Good Website That Tells You Some Methods for Drug Testing?

Question by meh: Is there a good website that tells you some methods for drug testing?
I’m doing a research project…so please help!!! For example, when a person gets pulled over for drunk driving by a policeman, what kinds of methods does the police use to test the driver for… Continue reading

Fatal Overdoses Quadruple as Heroin Tightens Grip on Maine

Fatal overdoses quadruple as heroin tightens grip on Maine
Drug treatment professionals were not surprised by the jump in heroin overdose deaths, said Ronni Katz, coordinator of the substance abuse prevention program for Portland's Department of Health and Human Services. “The trends that we've been seeing … Read more on Kennebec… Continue reading

Should the Government Be More Strict About Who They Give Food Stamps To?

Question by Sarah: should the government be more strict about who they give food stamps to?
In my opinion if you can’t pass a drug test, you shouldn’t get food stamps and if you’re overweight, you shouldn’t get food stamps. I’m not talking about those who have a legit disability.… Continue reading