drug rehabilitation center

The End of Antibiotics?

The End of Antibiotics?
The problem becomes more serious still when you consider that antibiotics aren't just a single medication; in many ways they are the foundation of advanced medicine, beginning with surgery. Stem cell and organ transplant treatments rely on doctors … Read more on Singularity Hub

Rehab Clinics… Continue reading

Colorado Drug Rehabilitation Centers | Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation in Colorado

Colorado Drug Rehabilitation Centers | Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation in Colorado
http://drugtreatmentcolorado.com Colorado Drug Rehabilitation Centers includes therapy, aftercare, detoxification, sober living facilities, and more to addre…


Business Viewpoint: Medicare misconceptions are numerous
Families often face difficult decisions when selecting a post-acute rehabilitation center for elderly family members. Costs… Continue reading

Halloween Starts High Risk Season for Addicts, Reports Narconon Freedom

Halloween Starts High Risk Season for Addicts, Reports Narconon Freedom
Narconon Freedom Center, a drug rehab center, warns parents and loved ones that Halloween kicks off the highest risk season for addicts. Running from Halloween through New Year's Day, the “holiday season” is a time when other factors come… Continue reading

When the Hospital Must Be the Classroom

When the hospital must be the classroom
In 10 hospitals as well as one drug treatment center, a full-time staff of teachers spend their day bringing the classroom to CPS students too ill to attend a traditional school for medical or mental health reasons. During the 2012-13 school year, a… Continue reading

Drug Treatment Centers in New York | Addiction Treatment Services

Drug Treatment Centers in New York | Addiction Treatment Services
http://alcoholtreatmentnewyork.org Drug Treatment Centers in New York New York Center for Addiction Treatment Services, Drug rehabilitation Centers in New Yo…


Featured Story A Tale of Two Drugs Barry Werth
The center had participated in human trials of the drug.… Continue reading

Drug Rehab Detox | Inpatient Drug Rehab Facilities | Drug Rehab Detox

Drug Rehab Detox | Inpatient Drug Rehab Facilities | Drug Rehab Detox
http://rehaboklahoma.com Drug Rehab Detox focuses on helping addicts get sober by counseling, clean and sober facilities, and Oklahoma detox services. Call 8…


Louisiana Treatment Center Townsend Sponsors Back to Basics Charity Shoe
Townsend, a top Louisiana… Continue reading