Drug Addiction?
Question by ebizartistry: Drug addiction?
Why is “Demand Reduction” an elemental part of eliminating the drug problem?
Best answer:
Answer by Scuba Steve
if there’s no demand for a drug
the drug problem will not exist
because nobody will be buying it
all drugs or only problems… Continue reading
Tom Hardy: ‘Drug Abuse Nearly Killed Me’
Tom Hardy: ‘Drug abuse nearly killed me’
British actor Tom Hardy is convinced he is lucky to be alive after battling drug addiction. “The Dark Knight Rises” star fell into a downward spiral of alcohol, illegal substance abuse and criminal behavior in his youth before kicking his addictions in …… Continue reading
Painkillers Might Not Be Right Prescription for Veterans
Painkillers Might Not Be Right Prescription For Veterans
Compounding the prescription drug problem among veterans, the witnesses testified, is the penchant by VA doctors to dispense large quantities of powerful pain pills with little monitoring, while offering few, if any, alternatives to pain relief …
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Kanawha… Continue reading
Prescription Drug Addiction – Addiction to Pain Killers
Prescription Drug Addiction – Addiction to Pain Killers — Just some thoughts. All the best to you… -Steve Steve Garufi, LPC Salida Christian Counseling (719) 221-4477 http://www.salidachristiancounseling.com.
Courier Times Community Calendar for April 7
Cairn University students will be collecting for the Penndel Food Pantry. Redner's Warehouse Market, Route …..… Continue reading
Alcohol, Pregnancy a Risky Mix
Alcohol, pregnancy a risky mix
'This was a journey I was not proud of,' Rugena Modisett, at her home in West Toledo, says of her struggle with drug and alcohol addiction and subsequent recovery. All three of her children are afflicted with varying degrees of Fetal … Dr. Clarren… Continue reading
Rehab Question. Do Not Answer if Yer Not in Washington State or Do Not Know of Washington State Very Well? (2)?
Question by Hot: Rehab question. do not answer if yer not in Washington State or do not know of Washington State very well? (2)?
i got this girl i really like
her dad has issues with drinking.
i am trying to do research on Impatient rehab places.