What Is the Importance of Cost Containment in Health Care.?
Question by myelinman18: What is the importance of cost containment in health care.?
Being an obvious election hot button, why is the cost of health care going up, given it was static in the 50’s-70’s.
Best answer:
Answer by heyteach
Cost containment is BEST done by the providers themselves… Continue reading
Is Arkansas the Only State That ” Pays Off” Its Single People for Having Babies Out of Wedlock?
Question by Sizzlin Sammy: Is Arkansas the only state that ” pays off” its single people for having babies out of wedlock?
In Arkansas,these people suck off the State by getting rental assistance,food stamps and claiming kids at tax time that aren’t even theirs.I am so sick of this!!!They… Continue reading
How to Become More Disciplined?
Question by Marzy:): How to become more disciplined?
I’m pretty disciplined for a 15 year old, about 2-3 months ago i completely gave up my candy/chocolate addiction, have taken up cross country, and become an exercise freak, and am now in the process of becoming vegetarian for a number… Continue reading
I Have to Find Drug Rehabs in Tulia, Texas. How?
Question by cielo c: I have to find drug rehabs in Tulia, Texas. How?
I’m doing a research about various kinds of drug addictions and I’d like to know what kind of drug treatment programs are available for these. I think asking around at different drug rehabs will give… Continue reading
Have You Ever Wonder if the US Government Have Kept Sercets From the Rest of the World?
Question by Asking a question: Have you ever wonder if the US Government have kept sercets from the rest of the world?
Well, l’m just wondering if they are keeping secrets and is so, l would love to know what they are secrets they are keeping from us and… Continue reading
Why Do People Want to Elect Obama for a Second Term?
Question by Accelleratrix: Why do people want to elect Obama for a second term?
Whether conservative or liberal, why does anybody want to reelect him when he has broken virtually all the promises he made except to pass a healthcare bill which could bankrupt the country, has added trillions… Continue reading