Drug and Alcohol Addicts Forced Interstate to Get Help
Drug and alcohol addicts forced interstate to get help
Filed under: state funded drug rehab
Three months ago the state lost about 40 rehabilitation beds, after the closure of the state's only Aboriginal-specific service, and several funding cuts. PM has been told that since then, waiting lists have increased significantly… Continue reading
Is the Liberal Media Protecting Al Gores Son, if He Was the Son of a Republican It Would Be on TV Everyday?
Question by mission_viejo_california: Is the liberal media protecting Al Gores son, if he was the son of a Republican it would be on TV everyday?
Al Gore III faces felony drug charges
Former vice president has little to say today about son’s arrest.
City News Service
MISSION VIEJO –… Continue reading
How Can I Become a Substance Abuse Counselor?
Question by <3headoverheels<3: How can I become a substance abuse counselor?
In order to become a substance abuse counselor, do i need a degree in anything or just certification? If I do need a degree, what should I get a psychology or sociology degree, or possibly something else?
Best answer:… Continue reading
How Does the Enabling of Substance Abuse Addiction Work?
Question by bayley de: How does the enabling of substance abuse addiction work?
I have heard that sometimes, families can even sort of encourage the individual to continue on with his substance abuse addiction. How so? What are they doing that actually acts to the detriment of the individual?… Continue reading
Am I Depressed? What Do I Do?
Question by : Am I depressed? what do i do?
I’m 14, just turned it January 15th. For a month or two now, I’ve been really really sad. Just all of the sudden became that way. My granddad, who is my life, got bladder cancer and him and my maammaw… Continue reading