Drug Rehabs in Boston Area…?
Question by Cass: Drug rehabs in Boston area…?
A friend of mine is looking for a alcohol abuse program near boston, ma (pref. in the revere/malden area) he asked me for help finding some place since I work in the field but i don’t know of any programs like this… Continue reading
Drug Rehab for Teen…..?
Question by Ahj A: drug rehab for teen…..?
are there drug rehabs for teens who are addicted to prescription drugs only for a week or 2?
how do you know if you need to go to rehab?
Best answer:
Answer by Gabe
Local hospitals offer Critical care units for psychiatric inpatients and also heavily dangerous drug addicts> u can try, but again unless… Continue reading
Drug/alcohol Addiction Treated Like an Illness but Food Addiction People Are Just Called Fat, Why Is That?
Question by Megan H: Drug/alcohol addiction treated like an illness but food addiction people are just called fat, why is that?
I know people who go to N.A. and A.A. and it is free, 2 of them even receive SSI payments as they are too “addicted” to work.… Continue reading
Nigella Lawson Is Barred From US Over Drug Confession
Nigella Lawson is barred from US over drug confession
Miss Lawson is thought to have tried to enter the U.S. by registering online for permission to travel and confirming she had not been arrested or convicted of offences including taking illegal drugs. But the US can also decide to bar… Continue reading
Why Should Drug Addicts Be Placed in Hospitals Instead of Prisons?
Question by maria17: Why should drug addicts be placed in hospitals instead of prisons?
I need pros for why drug addicts should be placed in hospitals instead of prisons. I need FACTS. It’s for a 5 paragraph paper. PLEASE PLEASE HELP ME!
Best answer:
Answer by chaotic caryn… Continue reading
Georgia's Horrid Plan to Punish Drug-Using Food Stamp Recipients, and How to …
Georgia's Horrid Plan to Punish Drug-Using Food Stamp Recipients, and How to …
For the vast majority of people on public assistance, illicit drug use isn't a problem. I've made this point before, but it's worth restating the facts. Among women receiving Temporary Aid for Needy Families, the incidence… Continue reading