LePage's Plan to Get Tough on Drug Abuse Needs to Be More Than a Campaign …
LePage's plan to get tough on drug abuse needs to be more than a campaign …
The reduction in MaineCare benefits for “noncategoricals,” mostly childless adults who don't qualify for disability, already is making it tricky to ensure that funding is available for the substance abuse treatment required of drug… Continue reading
Data on Drug Addiction?
Question by thecheapest902: data on drug addiction?
I would like to have any data on drug addiction in the world, how many percentage of its people are addicted by country.
It’s better if there is any additional information on drug abuse among celebrities in US and other countries.
Best answer:… Continue reading
Drug Addiction?
Question by ebizartistry: Drug addiction?
Why is “Demand Reduction” an elemental part of eliminating the drug problem?
Best answer:
Answer by Scuba Steve
if there’s no demand for a drug
the drug problem will not exist
because nobody will be buying it
all drugs or only problems… Continue reading
Vancouver Businesses Upset With Government for Not Dealing With Drug Addicts Properly
Vancouver Businesses Upset With Government for not Dealing with Drug Addicts Properly — Vancouver BC Gastown business owners upset that the BC government is not properly dealing with drug addiction issues and simply housing a bunch of addicts in…
More Government Help For Drug Addiction Information…