What You Don't Know About Drinking and Pregnancy: Four Mothers Tell Their Stories
What you don't know about drinking and pregnancy: Four mothers tell their stories
The graveyard shift and sunrise dinners upset her stomach. She had just filed paperwork to end a gut-wrenching marriage with a man who had choked and punched her, and was now bound for prison. … This is… Continue reading
Mount Olive's Smith Leads Rockefeller Hoboken Plans
Mount Olive's Smith leads Rockefeller Hoboken plans
Chris Christie at an affair last September honoring Christie at the Daytop rehabilitation program in Mendham. Smith is director of … But Smith is very well known in Mount Olive where he has played a historic and longstanding role in the development …… Continue reading
Scott "Q" Marcus: Becoming a Statistic
Scott "Q" Marcus: Becoming a statistic
Relatedly, obesity has cost the United States economy over 245 million dollars today alone and approximately 86.5 million dollars have been shelled out on weight loss programs in that same period. If you're into stats, the site will suck you in like a …… Continue reading
The Research Domain Criteria of the NIMH and the RDoC Vision for Mental …
The Research Domain Criteria of the NIMH and the RDoC Vision for Mental …
One is the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium, a far-flung group of top research centers that share data and analysis, based at the lab of Dr. Patrick F. Sullivan at the University of North Carolina. The other is… Continue reading
Hollywood's Toughest Role: Parent of a Young Celebrity
Hollywood's toughest role: Parent of a young celebrity
Lindsay Lohan's father, who runs an addiction treatment facility in Florida, said he would never party with his daughter. Michael Lohan has been publicly … He also had his own substance abuse issues, which were addressed in rehab. The parent of …… Continue reading
Critics: LePage's 'War on Drugs' Approach to Addiction Misguided
Critics: LePage's 'War on Drugs' Approach to Addiction Misguided
But Dr. Mark Publicker, an addiction specialist with the Mercy Recovery Center in Westbrook, says the best way to show compassion for them is to get their mothers into treatment – preferably before pregnancy – on maintenance medications such as… Continue reading