crack cocaine

What Alternative ADD Meds Are Recommended?

Question by Ethan R: What alternative ADD meds are recommended?
I’m 15 and Ive Been taking FocalinXR daily for about three months as an alternative to Ritalin, but it’s simply too weak. Even after raising the dose to 20mg it just doesn’t cut it. I don’t want to go back… Continue reading

State Police Arrest Seven at OCFS's Brookwood Juvi Center

State police arrest seven at OCFS's Brookwood juvi center
State Police just said they arrested seven of the residents for attacking and beating another youth at the center, which houses juveniles who have generally committed serious crimes such as murder, manslaughter or rape. … The following subjects have … Read… Continue reading

How Does Crack Cocaine Use Affect Diabetes, Specifically?

Question by Sarah: How does Crack Cocaine use affect Diabetes, specifically?
Hi – I’m a Type 1 – insulin dependant – diabetic (have had it for 23 years, since I was 5 yrs old), and I am / have been in drug treatment / “rehabilitation” for crack cocaine and heroin… Continue reading

Wrecked @ Work

Wrecked @ Work
Toronto Mayor Rob Ford's alleged use of crack cocaine and his purported alcohol binging were caught on video and went viral, stripping him of much of his budget and powers at city hall. It threw the …. “It helps me get going and keeps me chilled out.”.… Continue reading

Can Florida’s Baker Act “Take Someone Away” for Drug Addiction?

Question by Emily: Can Florida’s Baker Act “take someone away” for drug addiction?
My cousin has an addiction problem to crack cocaine. She will not go to rehab. Can I have the local authorities come and Baker Act my cousin and have her “taken away” to get treatment for her… Continue reading

Cressida Bonas Supported Her Boyfriend Prince Harry by Wearing a Scarf From a

Cressida Bonas supported her boyfriend Prince Harry by wearing a scarf from a
Nicholas is engaged to nurse Raz Tedros, who is credited by friends with helping him get his life back on track after years of substance abuse, including heroin and crack cocaine. It sold socialite John Rendall… Continue reading