bipolar disorder

Family Problems… That I Have Tried Fixing, Believe Me, What Do I Do?

Question by : Family problems… that I have tried fixing, believe me, what do I do?
My mother is needy, lonely, and emotionally abusive. I think she has some sort of mental problem from getting emotionally abused most of her life (by her own mother) and from getting physically abused… Continue reading

Substance Abuse and Bipolar Disorder

Substance Abuse and Bipolar Disorder
Those who experience mixed states or rapid cycling have the highest rate of danger from substance abuse — the discomfort a person feels in these chaotic moods is so great that she may be willing to do or take almost anything to make it stop.… Continue reading

Drug Abuse

drug abuse
drug a abuse is not good at all if we need a good future generation.


Rand Paul: Boehner speakership in jeopardy over immigration reform [AUDIO]
“I'm worried about conference, and what I would say is the only way to avoid the problem with conference is for the… Continue reading

Shoulda Known It Was My Fault..?

Question by Langaan: Shoulda known it was my fault..?
In summary, my wife is bipolar and as of the last 4 years has developed an extreme gambling addiction. She cannot stand to be around me and teh kids, and she claims going to the casino is how she “gets away”.… Continue reading

How and Why Is Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder Related to Substance Abuse?

Question by M: How and Why is Schizophrenia and Bipolar disorder related to substance abuse?
I know the symptoms and what Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder is but how and why are they related to substance use?

Try to be clear when explaining this to me please and Thanks for… Continue reading

Why Would a Drug Rehab Center Put a 16 Year Old Boy on Antidepressants and Antipsychotics Without?

Question by .: Why would a drug rehab center put a 16 year old boy on antidepressants and antipsychotics without?
diagnosing him with depression or any mental disorder, such as schizophrenia or bipolar disorder? They are administering these drugs to him for aggressiveness and behavioral problems. Since when have… Continue reading