Wife: Slipknot Bassist’s Final Days Blur of Drug Abuse
Wife: Slipknot bassist’s final days blur of drug abuse
Paul Gray’s final weeks were a blur of extreme drug abuse, which neither his doctor nor his bandmates would help his wife confront, she testified in Polk County District Court on Tuesday. Brenna Gray said her husband, the bassist and a… Continue reading
Could I Be Mildly Bipolar?
Question by Bekkah: Could I be mildly Bipolar?
Okay, I’m probably just worrying myself, but I was wondering if I was mildly bipolar.
Bipolar does run in some of my mums family, but I’m not sure if if im just experiencing normal teenage behaviour (im a 14yr old girl) or… Continue reading
How Can I Get Into a Drug Rehab With No Money,in Southeastern, PA?
Question by john b: how can i get into a drug rehab with no money,in southeastern, PA?
i’m in kensington ,philadelphia and i need a dual diagnosis rehab for 30 days or more, i have opiate dependency, and bipolar disorder w/anxiety. i was in a rehab last week when my… Continue reading
Drug Addiction Stories Anyone?
Question by brooklynfantasticsx: drug addiction stories anyone?
I want to hear about addictions you have had to drugs, or have. and how you recovered, relapsed or are still trying to turn your life around. it could be anything to do with drugs, alchohol, self injury, suicide or whatever… Continue reading
Drug Treatment Centers in Iowa | Call 800-303-2938 for Information
Drug Treatment Centers in Iowa | Call 800-839-1682 For Information — Drug Treatment Centers in Iowa – Call 800-839-1682 For Information A lot of drug addicts are afraid and hesitant to undergo the Drug Treatment Centers thinki…
Authorities: Chris Brown arrested on warrant
Brown had been ordered to remain in… Continue reading
Topiramate for Alcohol Treatment?
Question by : Topiramate for alcohol treatment?
so many medication pill for alcohol treatment, and some say topiramate is the best?
Best answer:
Answer by Zach Viva
topiramate is an anticonvulsant often prescribed as a mood stabilizer. It is an off-label use when used to treat bipolar disorder. Unfortunately, its… Continue reading