Drug Abuse Not Uncommon Among Medical Professionals
Drug abuse not uncommon among medical professionals
America’s prescription drug epidemic reaches deep into the health care community. Across the country, tens of thousands of doctors, nurses, medical technicians and other health professionals struggle with abuse or addiction.
drug abuse – Bing News
What Personality Might Have To Do With… Continue reading
Tom Hardy: ‘Drug Abuse Nearly Killed Me’
Tom Hardy: ‘Drug abuse nearly killed me’
British actor Tom Hardy is convinced he is lucky to be alive after battling drug addiction. “The Dark Knight Rises” star fell into a downward spiral of alcohol, illegal substance abuse and criminal behavior in his youth before kicking his addictions in …… Continue reading
Community Coalition Confronts Prescription Drug Abuse
Community coalition confronts prescription drug abuse
Prescription drug abuse accounts for about 45 percent of all overdose deaths, which is more than heroin, cocaine and other illegal drugs combined, according to the Foundation for a Drug-Free World. Those at the Ela Coalition Against Youth Substance Abuse …
drug abuse –… Continue reading
Addressing Teen Drug Use
Addressing teen drug use
“We need to know the warning signs and what the response should be when we see those warning signs,” he said. “We shouldn't ignore the problem or act as though alcohol use is a 'right of passage' or experimenting with marijuana is normal part of …… Continue reading
How Do You Deal With a Drug Addict Son?
Question by Princess Vespa: How do you deal with a drug addict son?
Ok, well I’m sort of asking this for my parents. They have no money, my brother is a long time drug addict, who knows what drugs he’s doing now. He keeps stealing from my parents.… Continue reading