South Jersey Drug Treatment Providers: For Heroin Addicts, More Inpatient Care

South Jersey drug treatment providers: For heroin addicts, more inpatient care
Chris Christie signed into law a measure deemed a major reform in how alcohol and drug addicts are treated by the courts. … Altogether, more people would be referred to New Jersey drug courts under probation sentences and would undergo treatment.
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Jerry Brown Opposes Legal Pot Because 'We Need To Stay Alert'
"The problem with anything, a certain amount is okay," Brown said on NBC's Meet the Press. "But there is a tendency to go to extremes. … "I really believe we should treat marijuana the way we treat beverage alcohol," Robertson said in an <a href …
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Affordable Care Act May Help New Jersey Parents of Addicted Teens
Plans must now cover 10 categories of essential health benefits, including hospitalization, prescriptions, and care for mental illness including preventive services, such as screenings for depression and alcohol abuse, as well as behavior assessments …

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