Is a Gallbladder Problem a Symptom of Drug Addiction?
Question by : Is a gallbladder problem a symptom of drug addiction?
Hi. I’ve been smoking weed for a few months straight now because it was a way of escaping from my depression. I’ve been gaining more and more anxiety lately and I get really nervous and start to twitch when I am in certain places in public or around certain age groups. Also, I’ve been getting alot of urges to pee. I wake up in the middle of the night because I had to pee so bad. Is that supposed to be a symptom of drug addiction/abuse?
Best answer:
Answer by samantha
From weed? Highly unlikely… The anxiety makes sense, but the having to pee so badly it wakes you up, no. I would however get that checked.
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WITHDRAWAL SYMPTOMS From ALCOHOL and DRUGS. Real World. A Terrible Experience. – Please subscribe to my channel and click “like” for my video! New video every Wednesday! Thanks Jake WITHDRAWAL SYMPTOMS From ALCOHOL and DRUGS. Real World. A Terrible Experience. Here I recount in detail the physical and psychological aspects of alcohol withdrawal. I explain how you can barley move not sure if your alive and you can’t use any body parts properly. I explain the auditory hallucinations and visual hallucinations and convulsions that I experienced and how terrifying it was. Like a living nightmare for weeks on end. I feel bad for anyone who is experiencing withdrawal, has experienced withdrawal or is about to experience withdrawal. It is no fun for anyone and can kill you in most extreme cases. Death can result form alcohol poisoning and alcohol withdrawal. Drug addiction and drug withdrawal has very many of the same characteristics. Please note this is very real and I hope you never experience alcohol withdrawal By Jake Johnston Channel Blog Facebook Twitter Tumblr
Filed under: symptoms of drug addiction
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