I’m in the Foster Care System, Please Answer?

Question by =): I’m in the foster care system, please answer?
I’ve had the most horrible experience being in foster care. I’ve been from group home to hospital over and over again. When I turned 15 they started putting me in foster homes… most of which were dirty. There was roaches in one and I had to share one bedroom with four other girls.
I started running away and instead of the system realizing they’re putting me in terrible places, they told me I was “troubled” and “uncontrolable”.
I turned 18 in April, and now I’m pregnant. This wonderful foster care system that they still wont let me leave is sending me to ANOTHER bad place for “pregnant teenagers.” I just dont know what to do. It’s in a bad area, and I dont want to be there… but everyone thinks I just dont know whats best.
How do I get it across to my social worker and judge that I don’t want to live in these crappy sh*tholes they’re putting me in and I deserve to be treated with respect?
I dont care what anyone says… the foster care system in CA hides a lot of the bad things.
In california they try to keep you until you’re 21. So, Im still a ward of the court, and if I want to no longer be considered a child, I need to “emancipate” myself.
However, this doesnt work unless they approve it, which they havent. =(

Best answer:

Answer by Jeneane
I thought once you turned 18 you were released from foster care? of course, I don’t know if that is true for all states. I would check into it if I were you though. At 18 years old, you are considered an adult and should be treated like one. You shouldn’t have to stay there any longer. I would seek the help of a lawyer if your not getting through to your social worker. That just doesn’t seem right to me. Good Luck with your situation and your baby!! 🙂

Answer by amosunknown
youre 18… the state can only control you until you’re 18, after that youre an adult… so i dont understand the question.

You can go to a lawyer yourself, you’re 18.. an adult.