If Your Spouse Yelled at You All the Time, Would You Divorce Them?
Question by Hibiscus: If your spouse yelled at you all the time, would you divorce them?
I HATE being yelled at. And yet that seems to be my husband’s MO to get any point he feels is important across. No, it’s not as bad as cheating, drugging, or porn addiction, but the way I feel after he yells and yells and yells is humiliated. Depressed. Sad. I have calmly said please don’t yell. But, he can’t control himself (or won’t). Would you get a divorce over this type of thing? It’s been going on for years, and I’m sick of it.
Best answer:
Answer by sheloves_dablues
Being yelled at for no reason is a form of emotional abuse.
I would not stay married to someone who emotionally abused me.
Answer by Somethingtosay
He is emotionally abusing you. He can stop this if he wants to but chooses not to. I would suggest marriage counseling and if that doesn’t work then leave him. Physical abuse leaves behind scars that eventually hears but emotional abuse leaves behind scars that may take years and years to heal.