I Couldnt Fit the Queston Here So I Put in the Details?
Question by BirdBalla: I couldnt fit the queston here so I put in the Details?
Alan I. Leshner, Director of the National Institute of Drug Abuse, defines drug addiction as “uncontrollable, compulsive drug seeking and use, even in the face of negative health and social consequences.”
What does that definition mean to you both as a driver responsible for your own actions, and as a driver sharing the road with other cars, pedestrians, and cyclists?
Best answer:
Answer by terrellfastball
“……….even in the face of negative health and social consequences.”
As a driver responsible for your own actions, it means if you use, don’t drive. You can be criminally prosecuted for any accident or injuries you cause in most jurisdictions.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
PRESCRIPTION DRUG ABUSE: AN AMERICAN EPIDEMIC – [High Definition] Short documentary/Interview style presentation about some of the negativity and dangers associated with prescription drug abuse. Shot, Edit…
Viewpoint: Stop and Frisk Isn't the Problem
Filed under: drug abuse definition
The actions and abuse by the NYPD are filling the very definition of a “Police State” where citizens are under never ending scrutiny. You can read much more about our Justice System running amuck and how they've violated civil liberties across the …
Read more on TIME
All for 0
Filed under: drug abuse definition
One knows it when one sees it. British philosopher Bertrand Russell provided a more succinct definition: “Obscenity is whatever happens to shock some elderly and ignorant magistrate.” Jack Nicholson and Warren Beatty came to the defense of Deep Throat …
Read more on Newsweek
Rand Paul: Don't send kids to jail for drug crimes
Filed under: drug abuse definition
Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) last week introduced a bill that would give judges greater flexibility by allowing them to work around mandatory minimum sentences for drug crimes, which civil rights groups say often don't fit the crime. “I don't want to …
Read more on Washington Post (blog)