How to Legally Force a Family Member Into Drug Rehab?
Question by Mike T: How to legally force a family member into drug rehab?
I have a family member addicted to crack cocaine, we know she is a danger to herself and to others, she refuses to voluntarily get treatment, how can the family force her into a drug detox and rehab program? Is there some sort of motion that can be filed with the court?
I can I am planning on calling some attorneys tomorrow, just want some background info if you have experience or know anything about how to help out a drug addict who doesn’t want help but needs it
Best answer:
Answer by hotmoma
The only way is if a judge will court order treatment. Good Luck!
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Infamous 1975 Orléans child killer released from hospital
Filed under: drug rehab treatment plan
According to his discharge order, Allen is required to check in with the hospital once a week, abstain from alcohol and drugs, submit urine samples, take rehab courses, and notify the hospital of any travel plans outside Ontario. He is also prohibited …
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Biogen Idec Forms First-of-Its-Kind Research Consortium to Identify ALS Drug …
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It is anticipated that coordinating research and sharing results across a number of different disciplines will greatly accelerate the understanding of the mechanism of this disease and the development of new targets and approaches to treatment …
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Arkansas Town Declares Quasi-Martial Law to Fight Property Crime
Filed under: drug rehab treatment plan
I would be very interested to see some reporting on what steps the community has taken in the past to deter crime. Have they focused at all on education, drug rehabilitation or community outreach for the poorer neighborhoods, or has the town …
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