How Should Illegal Immigration Be Stopped?
Question by mr. man: How should illegal immigration be stopped?
How can it be stopped? I don’t see a good reason besides building a big wall that wouldn’t be racist against hispanics. Should we just let everyone in and be fair because the Mexicans can border hop easily?
Best answer:
Answer by mooned22
Walls and barbed wire
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Thousands of Region's Residents Could Get Drug Treatment with Overhaul
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WASHINGTON (CBSDC/AP) — Millions of uninsured Americans with drug and alcohol addictions will become eligible for insurance when the federal health care overhaul goes into effect next year. More than 2,000 D.C. residents, 100,000 … Nationally, the …
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Overwhelming Majority of DC Residents Support Decriminalizing Marijuana …
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The poll, which was commissioned by the Marijuana Policy Project and Drug Policy Alliance and paid for by Dr. Bronner's Magic Soaps, which has backed drug decriminalization and legalization measures in a number of states, also found that 64 percent of …
The Experts: How Should Governments Encourage Energy Conservation?
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Information programs can include product labels, such as the "Energy Guide" on appliances; voluntary certification programs such as Energy Star; energy audits; building energy disclosure and benchmarking requirements (such as recently adopted in New …
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