How Often Do Teenagers Die From Drug Abuse?

Question by Savannah: How often do teenagers die from drug abuse?
I am organizing a “every 15 minutes” program for my school (middle school) and i need to fing out how often teenagers die from drug abuse anything helps 🙂

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Answer by Robin
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Crist: Better to play it safe when dealing with teen drug use

Filed under: drug abuse help for teenagers

First, the National Institute on Drug Abuse reported more than 50 percent of cocaine users also will drink alcohol while using cocaine — a particular concern, as this creates a third highly toxic chemical in the body called cocaethylene, which can …
Read more on The Coloradoan


Bulletin board: Feb. 25, 2013

Filed under: drug abuse help for teenagers

Alateen meetings are for teens who are dealing with the alcoholism and/or drug addiction of a family member or friend. Al-Anon meetings will take place at 8 p.m. Tuesdays, St. John's Episcopal Church, 1105 Quarrier St.; noon Wednesdays at the Kanawha …
Read more on Charleston Gazette


Teenagers, caffeine don't mix, doctors say

Filed under: drug abuse help for teenagers

That study, published this month in the journal Pediatrics in Review, shows that the caffeine in energy drinks is particularly harmful to young children and to teenagers who mix them with alcohol. His research … Some students take Ritalin to help …
Read more on Columbus Dispatch