How Mdma (Ecstasy) Abused?
Question by Temi: How mdma (ecstasy) abused?
I have a health project and I’ve looked everywhere
Best answer:
Answer by John Teel
The textbook definition of abusing a drug is taking any prescription drug not prescribed to you; or taking any drug not for the purposes intended; or taking a prescription drug in a different manner or taking the drug not as directed.
MDMA the active ingredient that makes ecstasy, ecstasy is prescribed by some doctors under clinical trials to treat PTSD. These patients are taking this drug legally, and are not abusing the drug as long as they are taking it as prescribed.
If you are asking how ecstasy users are using MDMA for recreational purposes: If it’s powder (usually white or brown in color if it has adulterants in it) they often wet their finger and dip it in the powder and put it on their tongue. Sometimes they put some in toilet paper or other paper and roll it into a ball and swallow it like a pill. Some have been known to insert it rectally. If they have what is often referred to as “molly shards” (this is a solid multi-colored glass looking fragments that are hard like “rock candy”) they just chew and swallow it. If they have it in pill form they just swallow it like any pill; or a select few will insert pills rectally too. I only observed one person cook it and inject it with a needle. Also you don’t smoke MDMA or snort it but then again it wouldn’t surprise me if some idiot out there ignores the burn and snorts it to get high faster.
If you are doing a research paper on this drug let me give you some additional information that many sites seem to leave out.
There are many different types of ecstasy pills floating around out there; but they basically fall into two categories: speedy or dopey (also sometimes referred to as smacky). Depending on the type you get will depend on the type of roll (ecstasy high) you will experience.
Assuming you have a real ecstasy pill and not a fake: it will contain MDMA or one of its close cousins; MDA or MDE; and often it will contain another drug as well. If it just contains MDMA or MDE or MDA it is often referred to as a molly in roller (experienced ecstasy users) circles.
Drug cartels often include other drugs in the ecstasy pills to enhance the experience because many experienced rollers find just MDMA to be a mild roll, so they want more. If the drug cartel puts amphetamine like drugs in with the MDMA you will get a speedy type roll; if they put a depressant type drug in the MDMA you will get a more laid back roll, which may leave you bobbing your head on the couch and not wanting to dance for long periods of time like you would if you had just MDMA or MDMA with a speedy drug added to the mix.
If you have real MDMA you will begin to feel the effects about 30-50 minutes after ingesting the pill; usually your palms will begin to sweat first, then you will begin to experience brief periods of empathy and a warm relaxed feeling. But this feeling will leave you only to return stronger a few minutes later. With each wave (or roll) the effects of the drug will begin to come on with more frequency and intensity. Eyes will begin to dilate, vision will begin to distort slightly, feelings of empathy will become stronger and stronger, sweating will increase, and this warm peaceful feeling will begin to come over you. This stage is often referred to as rolling up a hill.
Usually about two hours later you will peak; at this point, if it’s good ecstasy, you will have intense feelings of empathy toward others, feelings of anxiety and fear of how others view you will disappear, and you will become comfortable talking to just about anyone on any emotionally vulnerable subject. Just about everyone becomes your best friend and feeling of hate toward anyone often dissipates.
You also find any touch, or music feels especially good; almost as if the music vibrates right through you. (That is why a lot of ecstasy music usually has a lot of bass to the sound).
If you took a speedy type ecstasy pill you will likely dance for hours and talk with strangers who you wouldn’t otherwise converse with if you were sober. Ecstasy often causes its users to engage in a type of tunnel vision in as such as you will likely want to remain at whatever activity you began with when you first started to roll. Examples include: dancing if music is playing; sex if that is what you were engaging in at the time; socializing if that was what you were doing as you began your trip. It is can sometimes be difficult to convince someone on ecstasy to change venues; they are often happy doing whatever they are doing, but will go with you to another venue if you nudge them away from what they are engaged in.
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