How Long Will My Friend Stay in Prison? He Is Sentenced 5 Years Max and His Parolle Is Set at 2.5 Years.?

Question by gtipl85: How long will my friend stay in prison? he is sentenced 5 years max and his parolle is set at 2.5 years.?
He has been admitted to a drug rehab program at Sheridan Correctional center in Illinois, he has no previous criminal record before this conviction for selling exctasy. now i have read up that for every 3 months of good behaviour in the prison he is awarded 45 good time days…. my question is . Does that mean those good time days are subtracted from his parole date? or how does that work , from what i think he might just spend one year in the correctional center.

Best answer:

Answer by Watcher111
Parole is set at 2.5 years…That is when he will get a parole hearing to see if he can be released at that time or not.

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