How Does Internet Addiction Start?

Question by Juztin Jay Juliver: How does internet addiction start?
What is internet? What is internet addiction?
What are the causes and effects of internet addiction? what are the advantages and disadvantages of internet addiction? Who are the people mostly involved? What is the total percentage rating of people who are greatly involved in internet addiction? What are the ways to do in order to lessen internet addiction? Are these ways functional nowadays? Why?

Best answer:

Answer by chris g
it starts at yahoo answers

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



Video Game and Internet Addiction Treatment


ICTs and Moral Dilemma in Schools

Filed under: internet addiction help

As technology permeates the corridors of schools, there is need to know better who is at risk with ICT, what prevention and how treatment strategies work best. … The Korea Ministry of Information and Communication report of 2004 says this population …


From Twitter:

Trapped by an internetaddiction‘, obsessed surfers seek rehab help – by ParentTodaysKid (Parenting TodaysKids)

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Trapped by an #internetaddiction,’ obsessed surfers seek #rehab help – – by everyaddiction (Everything Addiction)

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Trapped by an internetaddiction,’ obsessed surfers seek rehab help. – by MCPLMO (MidContinent Library)