How Do I Get Rid of My Internet Addiction When I Have to Use It for Work?
Question by Holly: How do I get rid of my internet addiction when I have to use it for work?
I have a bad addiction to the internet and it gets in the way of my work. I research stuff online for work so I can’t just give up the internet.
I spend hours and hours on useless online chatting with strangers and on Y!A.
How can I stop myself?
Best answer:
Answer by Mickey Johnson
Find an actvity that you can do in your free time. Ifyour schedule is busier…you will not distract yourself from workin because you only have a certain amount of time to finish.
What do you think? Answer below!
Greg P. “NA Speakers” 12-Step “Addiction Help” – “Narcotics Anonymous (NA) describes itself as a “fellowship or society of men and women for whom drugs had become a major problem” following the Twelve Steps…
Obamacare could overwhelm addiction services
Filed under: addiction help
Already, the prospect of more paying patients has prompted private equity firms to increase their investments in addiction treatment companies, according to a market research firm. And families fighting the affliction are beginning to consider a new …
Read more on The Mercury
Addiction treatment needs our attention
Filed under: addiction help
The provincial government is justified in tightening controls over the prescribing of opiates and narcotics for pain management, but it should also reach out to Islanders who already have become addicted to the medications and need treatment. They're …
Read more on The Guardian Charlottetown
SOBA Recovery Center Announces New Holistic Addiction Treatment – PRWeb
Filed under: addiction help
SOBA Recovery Center announces their new holistic drug and alcohol treatment options for those suffering from addiction. SOBA Recovery Center (SRC) over the course of ten years has helped thousands of addicts and alcoholics achieve sobriety through …
Read more on PR Web (press release)